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Version: 1.7

Building a service: Occlum

Running an Occlum app with MarbleRun requires some changes to its manifest.


Set up an environment to create Occlum images. For an easy start, we recommend using the official Occlum Docker image. For a working DCAP remote attestation environment, we recommend our platform deployment guide.

To build your service, you can start with Occlum's Introduction to get your application up and running and then come back here to adapt it for use with MarbleRun.


Premain executable

Add our pre-built premain-libos executable to your Occlum image, e.g., by copying it to image/bin/premain-libos. By default, Occlum restricts executable files to the /bin directory. If you placed the premain-libos binary at a different path, you must adjust this setting accordingly.

Finally, define the original entry point for your Occlum instance as the first Argv parameter for your Marble in MarbleRun's manifest.json. See Defining a manifest for more information on how to define the Argv parameters. This lets MarbleRun launch your application after it succeeded in authenticating with the Coordinator and provides entrypoint pinning similar to the one offered in Occlum.json.

Environment variables

The Marble needs to retrieve the MarbleRun-specific configuration parameters via environment variables, as described under Step 3 in "Adding a service."

To pass environment variables to the enclave, Occlum requires them to be specified in the env section in Occlum.json.

You can provide default (hardcoded) values under default, and you may also define them additionally as untrusted in case you want to allow changes to the Marble configuration after build time.

For example, consider this configuration:

"env": {
"default": [
"untrusted": [

This will allow you to embed the expected default values during build time. It also lets the user/host system change them during run time when a non-default Coordinator configuration is used.

Resource limits

The premain process is written in Go. The enclave must have enough resources for the Go runtime and additional memory to launch your application.

We recommend starting with the following values, which should work fine for light-weight to medium memory-demanding applications:

"user_space_size": "2048MB",
"default_mmap_size": "900MB"
"max_num_of_threads": 64

In case you are running into issues with memory demands, check out the Resource Configuration Guide provided by the Occlum team to debug and resolve issues related to resource limits.


Error message: fatal error: failed to reserve page summary memory

If you receive this error during the launch of your Occlum image, make sure you allocated enough memory in Occlum.json as described above. The most important parameters are user_space_size and default_mmap_size.

Error message: Error returned from the p_sgx_get_quote_config API

If Occlum crashes during the quote generation with the following error message:

[get_platform_quote_cert_data ../qe_logic.cpp:346] Error returned from the p_sgx_get_quote_config API. 0xe019
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
right: `SGX_QL_NETWORK_ERROR`: fail to launch QE', src/util/sgx/dcap/

You might need to check the DCAP configuration on your system. Note that when using the Docker image, the local Intel DCAP configuration must be correctly set inside the container.

Other issues

If you are running into other issues, Occlum's error logging might help:

OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=error occlum run /bin/premain-libos