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Version: 1.1

Quickstart simulation mode

Step 1: Install the control plane onto your cluster

Install MarbleRun's Coordinator control plane by running:

marblerun install --simulation

The marblerun install command generates a Kubernetes manifest with all the necessary control plane resources. This includes a deployment for the Coordinator and for MarbleRun's admission controller. The simulation flag tells MarbleRun that real SGX hardware might not be present and the SGX-layer should be emulated.

Wait for the control plane to finish installing:

marblerun check

This command will wait until all components of MarbleRun are ready to be used or return an error after a timeout period is reached.

Port forward the Coordinator's Client API:

kubectl -n marblerun port-forward svc/coordinator-client-api 4433:4433 --address localhost >/dev/null &
export MARBLERUN=localhost:4433

Step 2: Deploy the demo application

To get a feel for how MarbleRun would work for one of your services, you can install a demo application. The emojivoto application is a standalone Kubernetes application that uses a mix of gRPC and HTTP calls to allow the users to vote on their favorite emojis. Created as a demo application for the popular Linkerd service mesh, we've made a confidential variant that uses a confidential service mesh for all gRPC and HTTP connections. Clone the demo application's repository from GitHub by running:

git clone && cd emojivoto

Step 2.1: Configure MarbleRun

MarbleRun guarantees that the topology of your distributed app adheres to a manifest specified in simple JSON. MarbleRun verifies the integrity of services, bootstraps them, and sets up encrypted connections between them. The emojivoto demo already comes with a manifest, which you can deploy onto MarbleRun by running:

marblerun manifest set tools/manifest.json $MARBLERUN --insecure

Normally, the CLI will verify the Coordinators SGX quote every time it connects to the Coordinators REST interface. Since we run MarbleRun in simulation mode, and therefore don't actually generate a quote, we use the --insecure flag to skip this verification.

You can check that the state of MarbleRun changed and is now ready to authenticate your services by running:

marblerun status $MARBLERUN --insecure

Step 2.2: Deploy emojivoto

Finally, install the demo application onto your cluster. Please make sure you have Helm ("the package manager for Kubernetes") installed at least at Version v3.2.0. Install emojivoto into the emojivoto namespace by running:

helm install -f ./kubernetes/nosgx_values.yaml emojivoto ./kubernetes --create-namespace -n emojivoto

Step 3: Watch it run

You can now check the MarbleRun log and see the services being authenticated by the Coordinator.

kubectl -n marblerun logs -f -l

Port forward the front-end web service to access it on your local machine by running:

kubectl -n emojivoto port-forward svc/web-svc 8443:443 --address

Now visit https://localhost:8443. You'll be presented with a certificate warning because your browser by default doesn't trust certificates signed by MarbleRun. You can ignore this error for now and proceed to the website.
Voila! Your emoji votes have never been safer!

That’s it 👏

Congratulations, you’re now a MarbleRun user! Here are some suggested next steps:

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